One of the most common criticisms I hear of the Abrahamic religions, in general, is that our preaching of "free agency" is negated by all of the commandments given by God. I've grappled with this idea for most of my life. What's the point of free agency if you're supposed to use it a particular way? Do you really have free agency if you're supposed to abide by the commandments? Isn't God being kind of vindictive by giving you this "gift" of free agency and then immediately punishing you if you don't use it correctly? The definition of "free agency" in Latter-day Saint theology is " the privilege of choice which was introduced by God the Eternal Father to all of his spirit children in the premortal state ". We know that free agency is the ability to choose for ourselves which path we'll take and how far we'll take it. To fully understand why we have this power, we have to look at what ...
An ex-ex-mormon writes on her journey back to His fold, and what she knows now, having been there and back again.