
Actually, I Never Appreciated Being Called a "Mormon"

      I need to confess a sin. I used to disrespect myself by allowing others to refer to me by a name that was rooted in hate. It's a word that was used by people who would rape, murder, and otherwise torment my people. It rarely slips through anyone's lips with any bit of respect. It's a word that heads the extermination order that allowed our enemies to freely murder us (which stood until 1976). The word is "Mormon"(a note: The term "mormon" being a derogatory term, I'll be censoring it when not referring to the prophet, Mormon or The Book of Mormon).      It always bothered me. As a very young child, I remember trying to correct people and tell them I didn't like being called a "M*rmon". I was very aware of everything that came with that word. Furthermore, it was a vague descriptor! There are three main branches of "M*rmonism"; The LDS church (mine), The Community of Christ (formerly known as RLDS or Re-organized Church of...
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